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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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Exodus 12:21 Then Moses4872 called7121 for all the elders2205 of Israel,3478 and said559 unto them, Draw{Or, Go forth} out,4900 and take3947 you lambs6629{Or, kids} according to your families,4940 and kill7819 the passover.6453 22 And ye shall take3947 a bunch92 of hyssop,231 and dip2881 it in the blood1818 that is in the basin,5592 and strike5060 the lintel4947 and the two8147 side-posts4201 with the blood1818 that is in the basin;5592 and none376 of you shall go out3318 of the door6607 of his house1004 until the morning.1242 23 For Jehovah3068 will pass through5674 to smite5062 the Egyptians;4714 and when he seeth7200 the blood1818 upon the lintel,4947 and on the two8147 side-posts,4201 Jehovah3068 will pass over6452 the door,6607 and will not suffer5414 the destroyer7843 to come935 in unto your houses1004 to smite you.5062 24 And ye shall observe8104 this thing1697 for an ordinance2706 to thee and to thy sons1121 for5704 ever.5769

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