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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
29 Verses Found

Ecclesiastes 7:1 A good name8034 is better2896 than fine2896 perfume;8081 and the day3117 of death4194 better than the day3117 of one's birth.3205 2 It is better2896 to go3212 to the house1004 of mourning60 than to go3212 to the house1004 of feasting:4960 for834 that is the end5490 of all men,120 and the living2416 should take5414 this to heart.3820 3 Sorrow3708 is better2896 than laughter;7814 for by the sadness7455 of the face6440 the heart3820 is made good.3190 4 The heart3820 of the wise2450 is in the house1004 of mourning;60 but the heart3820 of fools3684 is in the house1004 of mirth.8057 5 It is better2896 to hear8085 the rebuke1606 of the wise,2450 than for a man376 to hear8085 the song7892 of fools.3684 6 For as the crackling6963 of thorns5518 under a pot,5518 so is the laughter7814 of the fool.3684 This also is vanity.1892 7 Surely extortion6233 makes the wise man2450 foolish;1984 and a bribe4979 destroys6 the understanding.3820 8 Better2896 is the end319 of a thing1697 than its beginning.7225 The patient750 in spirit7307 is better2896 than the proud1362 in spirit.7307 9 Don't be hasty926 in your spirit7307 to be angry,3707 for anger3708 rests5117 in the bosom2436 of fools.3684 10 Don't say,559 "Why were the former7223 days3117 better2896 than these?" For you do not ask7592 wisely2451 about this.

Ecclesiastes 7:11 Wisdom2451 is as good2896 as an inheritance.5159 Yes, it is more excellent3148 for those who see7200 the sun.8121 12 For wisdom2451 is a defense,6738 even as money3701 is a defense;6738 but the excellency3504 of knowledge1847 is that wisdom2451 preserves the life2421 of him who has1167 it.

Ecclesiastes 7:13 Consider7200 the work4639 of God,430 for who can3201 make that straight,8626 which he has made crooked?5791 14 In the day3117 of prosperity2896 be joyful,2896 and in the day3117 of adversity7451 consider;7200 yes, God430 has made6213 the one side by side5980 with the other, to the end1700 that man120 should not find4672 out anything3972 after310 him.

Ecclesiastes 7:15 All this have I seen7200 in my days3117 of vanity:1892 there is3426 a righteous6662 man who perishes6 in his righteousness,6664 and there is a wicked7563 man who lives long748 in his evildoing.7451 16 Don't be overly7235 righteous,6662 neither make yourself overly3148 wise.2449 Why should you destroy8074 yourself? 17 Don't be too7235 wicked,7561 neither be foolish.5530 Why should you die4191 before your time?6256 18 It is good2896 that you should take hold270 of this.2088 Yes, also from that don't withdraw3240 your hand;3027 for he who fears3373 God430 will come forth3318 from them all. 19 Wisdom2451 is a strength5810 to the wise2450 man more than ten6235 rulers7989 who are in a city.5892 20 Surely there is not a righteous6662 man120 on earth,776 who does6213 good2896 and doesn't sin.2398 21 Also don't take5414 heed3820 to all words1697 that are spoken,1696 lest you hear8085 your servant5650 curse7043 you; 22 for often6471 your own heart3820 knows3045 that you yourself have likewise cursed7043 others.312 23 All this2090 have I proved5254 in wisdom.2451 I said,559 "I will be wise;"2449 but it was far7350 from me. 24 That which is, is far off7350 and exceedingly deep.6013 Who can find it out?4672 25 I turned5437 around, and my heart3820 sought to know3045 and to search8446 out,1245 and to seek wisdom2451 and the scheme2808 of things, and to know3045 that wickedness7562 is stupidity,3689 and that foolishness5531 is madness.1947

Ecclesiastes 7:26 I find4672 more bitter4751 than death4194 the woman802 whose heart3820 is snares4685 and traps,2764 whose hands3027 are chains.612 Whoever pleases2896 God430 shall escape4422 from her; but the sinner2398 will be ensnared3920 by her.

Ecclesiastes 7:27 "Behold,7200 I have found4672 this," says559 the Preacher,6953 "one259 to another,259 to find out4672 the scheme;2808 28 which my soul5315 still seeks;1245 but I have not found.4672 One259 man120 among a thousand505 have I found;4672 but I have not found4672 a woman802 among all those. 29 Behold,7200 this only905 have I found:4672 that God430 made6213 man120 upright;3477 but they search for1245 many120 schemes."2810

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