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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
7 Verses Found

Colossians 3:5 Put to death3499 therefore3767 your5216 members3196 which3588 are on1909 the earth:1093 sexual immorality,4202 uncleanness,167 depraved passion,3806 evil2556 desire,1939 and2532 covetousness,4124 which3748 is2076 idolatry;1495 6 for1223 which things'3739 sake1223 the wrath3709 of God2316 comes2064 on1909 the children5207 of disobedience.543 7 You5210 also2532 once4218 walked4043 3739 in1722 those, when3753 you lived2198 in1722 them;846 8 but1161 now3570 you5210 also2532 put them3956 all away:659 anger,3709 wrath,2372 malice,2549 slander,988 and shameful speaking148 out of1537 your5216 mouth.4750 9 Don't3361 lie5574 to1519 one240 another,240 seeing that you have put off554 the old3820 man444 with4862 his846 doings,4234 10 and2532 have put on1746 the new3501 man, who is being renewed341 in1519 knowledge1922 after2596 the image1504 of his846 Creator,2936 11 where3699 there can't3756 be1762 Greek1672 and2532 Jew,2453 circumcision4061 and2532 uncircumcision,203 barbarian,915 Scythian,4658 bondservant,1401 freeman;1658 but235 Christ5547 is all,3956 and2532 in1722 all.3956

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