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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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Acts 9:1 But1161 Saul,4569 still2089 breathing1709 threats547 and1161 slaughter5408 against1519 the disciples3101 of the Lord,2962 went to4334 the high priest,749 2 and asked154 for letters1992 from3844 him846 to1519 the synagogues4864 of3844 Damascus,1154 that3704 if1437 he found2147 any5100 who were5607 of the Way,3598 whether5037 men435 or2532 women,1135 he might bring71 them bound1210 to1519 Jerusalem.2419 3 1161 As1722 he traveled,4198 it happened that he846 got1096 close1448 to Damascus,1154 and2532 suddenly1810 a light5457 from575 the sky3772 shone around4015 him.846 4 He2532 fell4098 on the earth,1093 and2532 heard191 a voice5456 saying3004 to him,846 "Saul,4549 Saul,4549 why5101 do you persecute1377 me?"3165

Acts 9:5 He1161 said,2036 "Who5101 are you,1488 Lord?"2962 The Lord2962 said,2036 "I1473 am1510 Jesus,2424 whom3739 you4771 are persecuting.1377{TR adds “It’s hard for you to kick against the goads.”} 6 But{TR omits “But”} rise450 up, and2532 enter into1519 the city,4172 and2532 you2309 will be told2980 what5101 you4571 must1163 do."4160

Acts 9:7 The1161 men435 who3588 traveled4922 with him846 stood2476 speechless,1769 hearing191 3303 the sound,5456 but1161 seeing2334 no one.3367 8 Saul4569 arose1453 from575 the ground,1093 and1161 when1161 his846 eyes3788 were opened,455 he saw991 no one.3762 They1161 led5496 him846 by the hand,5496 and brought1521 him into1519 Damascus.1154 9 He2532 was2258 without3361 sight991 for three5140 days,2250 and2532 neither3756 ate5315 nor3761 drank.4095

Acts 9:10 Now1161 there was2258 a certain5100 disciple3101 at1722 Damascus1154 named3686 Ananias.367 The2532 Lord2962 said2036 to4314 him846 in1722 a vision,3705 "Ananias!"367 He1161 said,2036 "Behold,2400 it's1473 me, Lord."2962

Acts 9:11 The1161 Lord2962 said to4314 him,846 "Arise,450 and go4198 to4314 the street4505 which3588 is called2564 Straight,2117 and2532 inquire2212 in1722 the house3614 of Judah2455{or, Judas} for2212 one named3686 Saul,4569 a man of Tarsus.5018 For1063 behold,2400 he is praying,4336 12 and2532 in1722 a vision3705 he has seen1492 a man435 named3686 Ananias367 coming in,1525 and2532 laying2007 his hands5495 on him,846 that3704 he might receive his sight."308

Acts 9:13 But1161 Ananias367 answered,611 "Lord,2962 I have heard191 from575 many4183 about4012 this5127 man,435 how much3745 evil2556 he did4160 to your4675 saints40 at1722 Jerusalem.2419 14 2532 Here5602 he has2192 authority1849 from3844 the chief priests749 to bind1210 all3956 who call on1941 your4675 name."3686

Acts 9:15 But1161 the Lord2962 said2036 to4314 him,846 "Go your way,4198 for3754 he3778 is2076 my3427 chosen1589 vessel4632 to bear941 my3450 name3686 before1799 the nations1484 and5037 kings,935 and2532 the children5207 of Israel.2474 16 For1063 I1473 will show5263 him846 how many things3745 he846 must1163 suffer3958 for5228 my3450 name's sake."3686

Acts 9:17 1161 Ananias367 departed,565 and1161 entered1525 into1519 the house.3614 2532 Laying his2007 hands5495 on1909 him,846 he said,2036 "Brother80 Saul,4549 the Lord,2962 who3588 appeared3700 to you4671 on1722 the road3598 by which3739 you4671 came,2064 has sent649 me,3165 that3704 you may receive your sight,308 and2532 be filled4130 with the Holy40 Spirit."4151 18 2532 Immediately2112 something like scales3013 fell634 from575 his846 eyes,3788 and5037 he received his sight.308 3916 2532 He arose450 and2532 was baptized.907 19 He2532 took2983 food5160 and was strengthened.1765 1161 Saul4569 stayed1096 several5100 days2250 with3326 the disciples3101 who were3588 at1722 Damascus.1154 20 2532 Immediately2112 in1722 the synagogues4864 he proclaimed2784 the Christ,5547 that3754 he3778 is2076 the Son5207 of God.2316 21 1161 All3956 who3588 heard191 him were amazed,1839 and2532 said,3004 "Isn't2076 3756 this3778 he who3588 in1722 Jerusalem2419 made havoc4199 of those who3588 called on1941 this5124 name?3686 And2532 he had1519 come2064 here5602 intending5124 to2443 bring71 them846 bound1210 before1909 the chief priests!"749

Acts 9:22 But1161 Saul4569 increased1743 more3123 in strength,1743 and2532 confounded4797 the Jews2453 who3588 lived2730 at1722 Damascus,1154 proving4822 that3754 this3778 is2076 the3588 Christ.5547 23 1161 When5613 many2425 days2250 were fulfilled,4137 the Jews2453 conspired4823 together to kill337 him,846 24 but1161 their846 plot1917 became known1097 to Saul.4569 They5037 watched3906 the gates4439 both5037 day2250 and5037 night3571 that they might3704 kill337 him,846 25 but1161 his disciples3101 took2983 him846 by night,3571 and let2524 him down5465 through1223 the wall,5038 lowering him in1722 a basket.4711 26 When1161 Saul4569 had come3854 to1519 Jerusalem,2419 he tried3987 to join himself2853 to the disciples;3101 but2532 they were5399 all3956 afraid5399 of him,846 not3361 believing4100 that3754 he was2076 a disciple.3101 27 But1161 Barnabas921 took1949 him,846 and brought71 him to4314 the apostles,652 and2532 declared1334 to them846 how4459 he had seen1492 the Lord2962 in1722 the way,3598 and2532 that3754 he had spoken to2980 him,846 and2532 how4459 at1722 Damascus1154 he had preached boldly3955 in1722 the name3686 of Jesus.2424 28 He2532 was2258 with3326 them846 entering1531 into1722{TR and NU add “and going out”} Jerusalem,2419 29 2532 preaching boldly3955 in1722 the name3686 of the Lord2962 Jesus.2424{The Hellenists were Hebrews who used Greek language and culture.} He5037 spoke2980 and2532 disputed4802 against4314 the Hellenists,1675 but1161 they were seeking2021 to kill337 him.846 30 When1161 the brothers80{The word for “brothers” here and where the context allows may also be correctly translated “brothers and sisters” or “siblings.”} knew1921 it, they brought2609 him846 down2609 to1519 Caesarea,2542 and2532 sent1821 him846 off1821 to1519 Tarsus.5019 31 So3767 the assemblies1577 throughout2596 all3650 Judea2449 and2532 Galilee1056 and2532 Samaria4540 had2192 peace,1515 and2532 were built up.3618 They were multiplied,3303 walking4198 in the fear5401 of the Lord2962 and2532 in the comfort3874 of the Holy40 Spirit.4151

Acts 9:32 It1161 happened,1096 as Peter4074 went1330 throughout1223 all3956 those parts, he came down2718 also2532 to4314 the saints40 who3588 lived2730 at Lydda.3069 33 1161 There1563 he found2147 a certain5100 man444 named3686 Aeneas,132 who3739 had been2621 1909 bedridden2895 1537 for eight3638 years,2094 because he was2258 paralyzed.3886 34 2532 Peter4074 said2036 to him,846 "Aeneas,132 Jesus2424 Christ5547 2390 heals2390 you.4571 Get up450 and2532 make2390 your4572 bed!"4766 2532 Immediately2112 he arose.450 35 2532 All3956 who3748 lived2730 at Lydda3069 and2532 in Sharon saw1492 him,846 and2532 they turned1994 to1909 the Lord.2962

Acts 9:36 Now1161 there was2258 at1722 Joppa2445 a certain5100 disciple3102 named3686 Tabitha,5000 which3739 when translated,1329 means3004 Dorcas.1393{“Dorcas” is Greek for “Gazelle.”} This3778 woman846 was2258 full4134 of good18 works2041 and2532 of mercy1654 which3739 she did.4160 37 It1161 happened1096 in1722 those1565 days2250 that she846 fell sick,770 and died.599 When they had washed3068 her,1161 they laid5087 her846 in1722 an upper room.5253 38 1161 As5607 Lydda3069 was near1451 Joppa,2445 the191 disciples,3101 hearing191 that3754 Peter4074 was2076 1722 there,846 sent649 two1417 men435{Reading from NU, TR; MT omits “two men”} to4314 him,846 imploring3870 him3870 not3361 to3635 delay3635 in coming1330 to2193 them.846 39 1161 Peter4074 got up450 and went4905 with them.846 When3739 he had come,3854 they brought him321 into1519 the upper room.5253 3956 All3956 the widows5503 stood by3936 him846 weeping,2799 and2532 showing1925 the coats5509 and2532 garments2440 which3745 Dorcas1393 had made4160 while she was5607 with3326 them.846 40 1161 Peter4074 put them1544 all3956 out,5087 and kneeled down1119 and2532 prayed.4336 Turning1994 to4314 the body,4983 he said,2036 "Tabitha,5000 get up!"450 She1161 opened455 her846 eyes,3788 and1161 when she saw1492 Peter,4074 she sat up.339 41 He1161 gave1325 her846 his hand,5495 and raised450 her846 up.450 1161 Calling5455 the saints40 and1161 widows,5503 he presented3936 her846 alive.2198 42 And1161 it became1096 known1110 throughout2596 all3650 Joppa,2445 and2532 many4183 believed4100 in1909 the Lord.2962 43 It1161 happened,1096 that he846 stayed3306 many2425 days2250 in1722 Joppa2445 with3844 one5100 Simon,4613 a tanner.1038

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