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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
3 Verses Found

Acts 9:4 He2532 fell4098 on the earth,1093 and2532 heard191 a voice5456 saying3004 to him,846 "Saul,4549 Saul,4549 why5101 do you persecute1377 me?"3165

Acts 9:5 He1161 said,2036 "Who5101 are you,1488 Lord?"2962 The Lord2962 said,2036 "I1473 am1510 Jesus,2424 whom3739 you4771 are persecuting.1377{TR adds “It’s hard for you to kick against the goads.”} 6 But{TR omits “But”} rise450 up, and2532 enter into1519 the city,4172 and2532 you2309 will be told2980 what5101 you4571 must1163 do."4160

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