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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
4 Verses Found

2 Chronicles 30:17 For there were many7227 in the assembly6951 that had not sanctified6942 themselves: therefore the Levites3881 had the charge of killing7821 the passovers6453 for every one that was not clean,2889 to sanctify6942 them unto Jehovah.3068 18 For a multitude4768 of the people,5971 even many7227 of Ephraim669 and Manasseh,4519 Issachar3485 and Zebulun,2074 had not3808 cleansed2891 themselves, yet did they eat398 the passover6453 otherwise than it is written.3789 For Hezekiah3169 had prayed6419 for them, saying,559 The good2896 Jehovah3068 pardon every{Or, him that setteth his whole heart} one3722 19 that setteth3559 his heart3824 to seek1875 God,430 Jehovah,3068 the God430 of his fathers,1 though he be not cleansed according to the purification2893 of the sanctuary.6944 20 And Jehovah3068 hearkened8085 to Hezekiah,3169 and healed7495 the people.5971

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