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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
13 Verses Found

2 Samuel 12:1 Yahweh3068 sent7971 Nathan5416 to David.1732 He came935 to him, and said559 to him, "There were two8147 men582 in one259 city;5892 the one259 rich,6223 and the other259 poor.7326 2 The rich6223 man had very3966 many7235 flocks6629 and herds,1241 3 but the poor7326 man had nothing, except one259 little6996 ewe lamb,3535 which he had bought7069 and raised.2421 It grew up2421 together3162 with him, and with his children.1121 It ate398 of his own food,6595 drank8354 of his own cup,3563 and lay7901 in his bosom,2436 and was to him like a daughter.1323 4 A traveler1982 came935 to the rich6223 man,376 and he spared2550 to take3947 of his own flock6629 and of his own herd,1241 to dress6213 for the wayfaring man732 who had come935 to him, but took3947 the poor7326 man's376 lamb,3535 and dressed6213 it for the man376 who had come935 to him."

2 Samuel 12:5 David's1732 anger639 was greatly3966 kindled2734 against the man,376 and he said559 to Nathan,5416 "As Yahweh3068 lives,2416 the man376 who has done6213 this is worthy1121 to die!4194 6 He shall restore7999 the lamb3535 fourfold,706 because6118 he did6213 this thing,1697 and because6118 he had no pity!"2550

2 Samuel 12:7 Nathan5416 said559 to David,1732 "You are the man.376 This is what Yahweh,3068 the God430 of Israel,3478 says:559 ‘I anointed4886 you king4428 over Israel,3478 and I delivered5337 you out of the hand3027 of Saul.7586 8 I gave5414 you your master's113 house,1004 and your master's113 wives802 into your bosom,2436 and gave5414 you the house1004 of Israel3478 and of Judah;3063 and if that would have been too little,4592 I would have added3254 to you many more such2007 things.2007 9 Why have you despised959 the word1697 of Yahweh,3068 to do6213 that which is evil7451 in his sight?5869 You have struck5221 Uriah223 the Hittite2850 with the sword,2719 and have taken3947 his wife802 to be your wife,802 and have slain2026 him with the sword2719 of the children1121 of Ammon.5983 10 Now therefore the sword2719 will never5704 depart5493 from your house,1004 because6118 you have despised959 me, and have taken3947 the wife802 of Uriah223 the Hittite2850 to be your wife.'802

2 Samuel 12:11 "This is what Yahweh3068 says:559 ‘Behold, I will raise up6965 evil7451 against you out of your own house;1004 and I will take3947 your wives802 before your eyes,5869 and give5414 them to your neighbor,7453 and he will lie7901 with your wives802 in the sight5869 of this sun.8121 12 For you did6213 it secretly,5643 but I will do6213 this thing1697 before all Israel,3478 and before the sun.'"8121

2 Samuel 12:13 David1732 said559 to Nathan,5416 "I have sinned2398 against Yahweh."3068 Nathan5416 said559 to David,1732 "Yahweh3068 also has put away5674 your sin.2403 You will not die.4191

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