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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
    2 Corinthians
18 Verses Found

2 Corinthians 3:1 Are1063 we beginning2532 again to3588 commend ourselves? Or do1392 we1392 need,3761 as do some,1391 letters1722 of5129 commendation3313 to you or1752 from you?1391 2 You5210 are2075 our2257 letter,1992 written1449 in1722 our2257 hearts,2588 known1097 and2532 read314 by5259 all3956 men;444 3 being5319 revealed3754 that you are2075 a letter1992 of Christ,5547 served1247 by5259 us,2257 written1449 not3756 with ink,3188 but235 with the Spirit4151 of the living2198 God;2316 not3756 in1722 tablets4109 of stone,3035 but235 in1722 tablets4109 that are hearts2588 of flesh.4560 4 Such5108 confidence4006 we2192 have through1223 Christ5547 toward4314 God;2316 5 not3756 that3754 we are2070 sufficient2425 of575 ourselves,1438 to account3049 anything5100 as5613 from1537 ourselves;1438 but235 our2257 sufficiency2426 is from1537 God;2316 6 who3739 also2532 made2427 us2248 sufficient as servants1249 of a new2537 covenant;1242 not3756 of the letter,1121 but235 of the Spirit.4151 For1063 the letter1121 kills,615 but1161 the Spirit4151 gives life.2227 7 But1161 if1487 the service1248 of death,1722 written1121 engraved1795 on1722 stones,3037 came1096 with1722 glory,1391 so that5620 the children5207 of Israel2474 could1410 not3361 look816 steadfastly on1519 the face4383 of Moses3475 for1223 the glory1391 of his846 face;4383 which3588 was passing away:2673 8 won't3780 service1248 of the Spirit4151 be2071 with much3123 more1722 glory?1391 9 For1063 if1487 the service1248 of condemnation2633 has glory,1391 the service1248 of righteousness1343 exceeds4052 much4183 more3123 in1722 glory.1391 10 For1063 most certainly2532 that which3588 has been made glorious1392 has1392 not3761 been made glorious1391 in1722 this5129 respect,3313 by reason of1752 the glory1391 that3588 surpasses.5235 11 For1063 if1487 that which3588 passes away2673 was1223 with glory,1391 much4183 more3123 that which3588 remains3306 is1722 in glory.1391

2 Corinthians 3:12 Having2192 therefore3767 such5108 a hope,1680 we use5530 great4183 boldness of speech,3954 13 and2532 not3756 as2509 Moses,3475 who put5087 a veil2571 on1909 his1438 face,4383 that4314 the children5207 of Israel2474 wouldn't3361 look816 steadfastly on1519 the end5056 of that which3588 was passing away.2673 14 But235 their846 minds3540 were hardened,4456 for1063 until891 this very day4594 at the reading320 of the old3820 covenant1242 the same846 veil2571 remains,3306 because in1722 Christ5547 it passes away.2673 15 But235 to2193 this day,4594 when2259 Moses3475 is2749 read,314 a veil2571 lies on1909 their846 heart.2588 16 But1161 whenever2259 one302 turns1994 to4314 the Lord,2962 the veil2571 is taken away.4014 17 Now1161 the Lord2962 is2076 the Spirit4151 and1161 where3757 the Spirit4151 of the Lord2962 is, there1563 is liberty.1657 18 But1161 we2249 all,3956 with4383 unveiled343 face4383 beholding as in a mirror2734 the glory1391 of the Lord,2962 are transformed3339 into the same846 image1504 from575 glory1391 to1519 glory,1391 even as2509 from575 the Lord,2962 the Spirit.4151

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