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    2 Chronicles
21 Verses Found

2 Chronicles 31:1 Now when all this was finished,3615 all Israel3478 that were present4672 went out3318 to the cities5892 of Judah,3063 and brake7665 in pieces7665 the pillars,4676{Or, obelisks} and hewed down1438 the Asherim,842 and brake down5422 the high places1116 and the altars4196 out of all Judah3063 and Benjamin,1144 in Ephraim669 also and Manasseh,4519 until they had destroyed3615 them all. Then all the children1121 of Israel3478 returned,7725 every man376 to his possession,272 into their own cities.5892

2 Chronicles 31:2 And Hezekiah3169 appointed5975 the courses4256 of the priests3548 and the Levites3881 after their courses,4256 every man376 according6310 to his service,5656 both the priests3548 and the Levites,3881 for burnt-offerings5930 and for peace-offerings,5930 to minister,8334 and to give thanks,3034 and to praise1984 in the gates8179 of the camp4264 of Jehovah.3068 3 He appointed also the king's4428 portion4521 of his substance7399 for the burnt-offerings,5930 to wit, for the morning1242 and evening6153 burnt-offerings,5930 and the burnt-offerings5930 for the sabbaths,7676 and for the new moons,2320 and for the set feasts,4150 as it is written3789 in the law8451 of Jehovah.3068 4 Moreover he commanded559 the people5971 that dwelt3427 in Jerusalem3389 to give5414 the portion4521 of the priests3548 and the Levites,3881 that they might give2388{Hebrew be strong in.} themselves to the law8451 of Jehovah.3068 5 And as soon as the commandment1697 came abroad,6555 the children1121 of Israel3478 gave935 in abundance7235 the first-fruits7225 of grain,1715 new wine,8492 and oil,3323 and honey,1706 and of all the increase8393 of the field;7704 and the tithe4643 of all things brought935 they in abundantly.7230 6 And the children1121 of Israel3478 and Judah,3063 that dwelt3427 in the cities5892 of Judah,3063 they also brought in935 the tithe4643 of oxen1241 and sheep,6629 and the tithe4643 of dedicated things6944 which were consecrated6942 unto Jehovah3068 their God,430 and laid5414 them by heaps.6194 7 In the third7992 month2320 they began2490 to lay the foundation3245 of the heaps,6194 and finished3615 them in the seventh7637 month.2320 8 And when Hezekiah3169 and the princes8269 came935 and saw7200 the heaps,6194 they blessed1288 Jehovah,3068 and his people5971 Israel.3478 9 Then Hezekiah3169 questioned1875 the priests3548 and the Levites3881 concerning the heaps.6194 10 And Azariah5838 the chief7218 priest,3548 of the house1004 of Zadok,6659 answered559 him and said,559 Since the people began2490 to bring935 the oblations8641 into the house1004 of Jehovah,3068 we have eaten398 and had enough,7646 and have left3498 plenty:7230 for Jehovah3068 hath blessed1288 his people;5971 and that which is left3498 is this great store.1995

2 Chronicles 31:11 Then Hezekiah3169 commanded559 to prepare3559 chambers3957 in the house1004 of Jehovah;3068 and they prepared them;3559 12 and they brought in935 the oblations8641 and the tithes4643 and the dedicated6944 things faithfully.530 And over them Conaniah3562 the Levite3881 was ruler,5057 and Shimei8096 his brother251 was second;4932 13 and Jehiel,3171 and Azaziah,5812 and Nahath,5184 and Asahel,6214 and Jerimoth,3406 and Jozabad,3107 and Eliel,447 and Ismachiah,3253 and Mahath,4287 and Benaiah,1141 were overseers6496 under the hand3027 of Conaniah3562 and Shimei8096 his brother,251 by the appointment4662 of Hezekiah3169 the king,4428 and Azariah5838 the ruler5057 of the house1004 of God.430 14 And Kore6981 the son1121 of Imnah3232 the Levite,3881 the porter7778 at the east4217 gate, was over the freewill-offerings5071 of God,430 to distribute5414 the oblations8641 of Jehovah,3068 and the most6944 holy things.6944 15 And under him were Eden,5731 and Miniamin,4509 and Jeshua,3442 and Shemaiah,8098 Amariah,568 and Shecaniah,7935 in the cities5892 of the priests,3548 in their office530 of trust, to give5414 to their brethren251 by3027 courses,4256 as well to the great1419 as to the small:6996 16 besides them that were reckoned by genealogy3187 of males,2145 from three7969 years8141 old1121 and upward,4605 even every one that entered935 into the house1004 of Jehovah,3068 as{Or, for his daily portion} the duty of every day3117 required,1697 for their service5656 in their offices4931 according to their courses;4256 17 and them that were reckoned by genealogy3187 of the priests3548 by their fathers'1 houses,1004 and the Levites3881 from twenty6242 years8141 old1121 and upward,4605 in their offices4931 by their courses;4256 18 and{Or, even to give to them etc.} them that were reckoned by genealogy3187 of all their little ones,2945 their wives,802 and their sons,1121 and their daughters,1323 through all the congregation:6951 for in their office530 of trust they sanctified6942 themselves in holiness.6944 19 Also for the sons1121 of Aaron175 the priests,3548 that were in the fields7704 of the suburbs4054 of their cities,5892 in every city,5892 there were men582 that were mentioned5344 by name,8034 to give5414 portions4490 to all the males2145 among the priests,3548 and to all that were reckoned by genealogy3187 among the Levites.3881

2 Chronicles 31:20 And thus did6213 Hezekiah3169 throughout all Judah;3063 and he wrought6213 that which was good2896 and right3477 and faithful571{Hebrew faithfulness.} before6440 Jehovah3068 his God.430 21 And in every work4639 that he began2490 in the service5656 of the house1004 of God,430 and in the law,8451 and in the commandments,4687 to seek1875 his God,430 he did6213 it with all his heart,3824 and prospered.6743

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