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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
    2 Chronicles
15 Verses Found

2 Chronicles 14:1 So Abijah29 slept7901 with his fathers,1 and they buried6912 him in the city5892 of David;1732 and Asa609 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead. In his days3117 the land776 was quiet8252 ten6235 years.8141 2 And Asa609 did6213 that which was good2896 and right3477 in the eyes5869 of Jehovah3068 his God:430 3 for he took away5493 the foreign5236 altars,4196 and the high places,1116 and brake down7665 the pillars,4676{Or, obelisks} and hewed down7665 the Asherim,842 4 and commanded559 Judah3063 to seek1875 Jehovah,3068 the God430 of their fathers,1 and to do6213 the law8451 and the commandment.4687 5 Also he took away5493 out of all the cities5892 of Judah3063 the high places1116 and the sun-images:2553 and the kingdom4467 was quiet8252 before him.6440 6 And he built1129 fortified4694 cities5892 in Judah;3063 for the land776 was quiet,8252 and he had no war4421 in those years,8141 because Jehovah3068 had given him rest.5117 7 For he said559 unto Judah,3063 Let us build1129 these cities,5892 and make about5437 them walls,2346 and towers,4026 gates,1817 and bars;1280 the land776 is yet before6440 us, because we have sought1875 Jehovah3068 our God;430 we have sought1875 him, and he hath given us rest5117 on every side.5439 So they built1129 and prospered.6743 8 And Asa609 had an army2428 that bare5375 bucklers6793 and spears,7420 out of Judah3063 three7969 hundred3967 thousand;505 and out of Benjamin,1144 that bare5375 shields4043 and drew1869 bows,7198 two hundred3967 and fourscore8084 thousand:505 all these were mighty men1368 of valor.2428

2 Chronicles 14:9 And there came out3318 against them Zerah2226 the Ethiopian3569 with an army2428 of a thousand505 thousand,505 and three7969 hundred3967 chariots;4818 and he came935 unto Mareshah.4762 10 Then Asa609 went out3318 to meet6440 him, and they set the battle4421 in array6186 in the valley1516 of Zephathah6859 at Mareshah.4762 11 And Asa609 cried7121 unto Jehovah3068 his God,430 and said,559 Jehovah,3068 there{Or, there is no difference with thee to help, whether the mighty or him etc.} is none besides{Or, like} thee to help,5826 between996 the mighty7227 and him that hath no strength:3581 help5826 us, O Jehovah3068 our God;430 for we rely8172 on thee, and in thy name8034 are we come935 against this multitude.1995 O Jehovah,3068 thou art our God;430 let not man582 prevail against thee.6113 12 So Jehovah3068 smote5062 the Ethiopians3569 before6440 Asa,609 and before6440 Judah;3063 and the Ethiopians3569 fled.5127 13 And Asa609 and the people5971 that were with him pursued7291 them unto Gerar:1642 and there fell5307 of the Ethiopians3569 so{Or, so that none remained alive} many that they could not recover4241 themselves; for they were destroyed7665{Hebrew broken.} before6440 Jehovah,3068 and before6440 his host;4264 and they carried away5375 very3966 much7235 booty.7998 14 And they smote5221 all the cities5892 round about5439 Gerar;1642 for the{Or, a terror from Jehovah} fear6343 of Jehovah3068 came upon them: and they despoiled962 all the cities;5892 for there was much7227 spoil in them.961 15 They smote5221 also the tents168 of cattle,4735 and carried away7617 sheep6629 in abundance,7230 and camels,1581 and returned7725 to Jerusalem.3389

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