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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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1 Kings 21:10 Set3427 two8147 men,582 base1100 fellows,1121 before him, and let them testify5749 against him, saying,559 ‘You cursed1288 God430 and the king!'4428 Then carry him out,3318 and stone5619 him to death."4191 ... 13 The two8147 men,582 the base1100 fellows,1121 came935 in and sat3427 before him. The base1100 fellows582 testified5749 against him, even against Naboth,5022 in the presence of the people,5971 saying,559 "Naboth5022 cursed1288 God430 and the king!"4428 Then they carried3318 him out3318 of the city,5892 and stoned5619 him to death4191 with stones.68

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