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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
4 Verses Found

1 John 1:6 If1437 we say2036 that3754 we have2192 fellowship2842 with3326 him,846 and2532 walk4043 in1722 darkness,4655 we lie,5574 and2532 do4160 not3756 the truth:225 7 But1161 if1437 we walk4043 in1722 the light,5457 as5613 he846 is2076 in1722 the light,5457 we have2192 fellowship2842 one with another,3326 240 and2532 the blood129 of Jesus2424 Christ5547 his846 Son5207 cleanseth2511 us2248 from575 all3956 sin.266 8 If1437 we say2036 that3754 we have2192 no3756 sin,266 we deceive4105 ourselves,1438 and2532 the truth225 is2076 not3756 in1722 us.2254 9 If1437 we confess3670 our2257 sins,266 he is2076 faithful4103 and2532 just1342 to2443 forgive863 us2254 our sins,266 and2532 to cleanse2511 us2248 from575 all3956 unrighteousness.93

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