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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
    1 Timothy
20 Verses Found

1 Timothy 1:1 Paul,3972 an apostle652 of Christ5547 Jesus2424 according2596 to the commandment2003 of God2316 our2257 Savior,4990 and2532 2962 Christ5547 Jesus2424 our2257 hope;1680 2 to Timothy,5095 my true1103 child5043 in1722 faith:4102 Grace,5485 mercy,1656 and peace,1515 from575 God2316 our2257 Father3962 and2532 Christ5547 Jesus2424 our2257 Lord.2962

1 Timothy 1:3 As2531 I urged3870 you4571 when I was going4198 into1519 Macedonia,3109 stay4357 at1722 Ephesus2181 that2443 you might command3853 certain5100 men not3361 to teach2085 a different doctrine,2085 4 neither3366 to pay attention to4337 myths3454 and2532 endless562 genealogies,1076 which3748 cause3930 disputes,2214 rather3123 than2228 God's2316 stewardship,3620 which is3588 in1722 faith—4102 5 but1161 the goal5056 of1537 this command3852 is2076 love, out of1537 a pure2513 heart2588 and2532 a good18 conscience4893 and2532 sincere505 faith;4102 6 from which3739 things some,5100 having missed the mark,795 have turned aside1624 to1519 vain talking;3150 7 desiring2309 to be1511 teachers of the law,3547 though they understand3539 neither3383 what3739 they say,3004 nor3383 about what3739 they strongly affirm.1226 8 But1161 we know1492 that3754 the law3551 is good,2570 if1437 a man5100 uses5530 it846 lawfully,3545 9 as knowing1492 this,5124 that3754 law3551 is2749 not3756 made for2749 a righteous man,1342 but1161 for the lawless459 and2532 insubordinate,506 for the ungodly765 and2532 sinners,268 for the unholy462 and2532 profane,952 for murderers of fathers3964 and2532 murderers of mothers,3389 for manslayers,409 10 for the sexually immoral,4205 for homosexuals,733 for slave-traders,405 for liars,5583 for perjurers,1965 and2532 for480 any5100 other480 thing2087 contrary to480 the sound5198 doctrine;1319 11 according to2596 the Good News2098 of the glory1391 of the blessed3107 God,2316 which3739 was committed to4100 my1473 trust.4100 12 And2532 I2192 thank5485 him who enabled1743 me,3165 Christ5547 Jesus2424 our2257 Lord,2962 because3754 he counted2233 me3165 faithful,4103 appointing me5087 to1519 service;1248 13 although I was5607 before4386 a blasphemer,989 a2532 persecutor,1376 and2532 insolent.5197 However,235 I obtained mercy,1653 because3754 I did4160 it ignorantly50 in1722 unbelief.570 14 The1161 grace5485 of our2257 Lord2962 abounded5250 exceedingly with3326 faith4102 and2532 love26 which is3588 in1722 Christ5547 Jesus.2424 15 The3588 saying3056 is faithful4103 and2532 worthy514 of all3956 acceptance,594 that3754 Christ5547 Jesus2424 came2064 into1519 the world2889 to save4982 sinners;268 of whom3739 I1473 am1510 chief.4413 16 However,235 for1223 this cause5124 I obtained mercy,1653 that2443 in1722 me1698 first,4413 Jesus2424 Christ5547 might display1731 all3956 his patience, for4314 an example5296 of those who were going3195 to1519 believe4100 in1909 him846 for1519 eternal166 life.2222 17 Now1161 to the King935 eternal,165 immortal,862 invisible,517 to God2316 who alone3441 is wise,4680 be honor5092 and2532 glory1391 forever165 and2532 ever.165 Amen.281

1 Timothy 1:18 This3778 instruction3852 I commit3908 to2596 you,4671 my child5043 Timothy,5095 according to2596 the prophecies4394 which led4254 the way1909 to you,4571 that2443 by1722 them846 you may wage4754 the good2570 warfare;4754 19 holding2192 faith4102 and2532 a good18 conscience;4893 which3739 some5100 having thrust away683 made a shipwreck3489 concerning4012 the faith;4102 20 of whom3739 is2076 Hymenaeus5211 and2532 Alexander;223 whom3739 I delivered3860 to Satan,4567 that2443 they might be taught3811 not3361 to blaspheme.987

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