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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
    1 Samuel
22 Verses Found

1 Samuel 24:1 It happened, when Saul7586 was returned7725 from following310 the Philistines,6430 that it was told5046 him, saying,559 "Behold, David1732 is in the wilderness4057 of En Gedi."5872 2 Then Saul7586 took3947 three7969 thousand505 chosen977 men376 out of all Israel,3478 and went3212 to seek1245 David1732 and his men582 on6440 the rocks6697 of the wild goats.3277 3 He came935 to the sheep pens1448 by the way,1870 where there was a cave;4631 and Saul7586 went in935 to relieve5526 himself.7272 Now David1732 and his men582 were abiding3427 in the innermost parts3411 of the cave.4631 4 The men582 of David1732 said559 to him, "Behold, the day3117 of which Yahweh3068 said559 to you, ‘Behold, I will deliver5414 your enemy341 into your hand,3027 and you shall do6213 to him as it shall seem good3190 to you.'"5869 Then David1732 arose,6965 and cut off3772 the skirt3671 of Saul's7586 robe4598 secretly.3909 5 It happened afterward,310 that David's1732 heart3820 struck5221 him, because he had cut off3772 Saul's7586 skirt.3671 6 He said559 to his men,582 "Yahweh3068 forbid2486 that I should do6213 this thing1697 to my lord,113 Yahweh's3068 anointed,4899 to put forth7971 my hand3027 against him, since he is Yahweh's3068 anointed."4899 7 So David1732 checked8156 his men582 with these words,1697 and didn't allow5414 them to rise6965 against Saul.7586 Saul7586 rose up6965 out of the cave,4631 and went3212 on his way.1870 8 David1732 also arose6965 afterward, and went out3318 of the cave,4631 and cried7121 after310 Saul,7586 saying,559 "My lord113 the king!"4428 When Saul7586 looked5027 behind310 him, David1732 bowed6915 with his face639 to the earth,776 and showed respect.7812 9 David1732 said559 to Saul,7586 "Why do you listen8085 to men's120 words,1697 saying,559 ‘Behold, David1732 seeks1245 your hurt?'7451 10 Behold, this day3117 your eyes5869 have seen7200 how that Yahweh3068 had delivered5414 you today3117 into my hand3027 in the cave.4631 Some urged559 me to kill2026 you; but I spared2347 you; and I said,559 I will not put forth7971 my hand3027 against my lord;113 for he is Yahweh's113 anointed.4899 11 Moreover, my father,1 behold,7200 yes, see7200 the skirt3671 of your robe4598 in my hand;3027 for in that I cut off3772 the skirt3671 of your robe,4598 and didn't kill2026 you, know3045 and see7200 that there is neither evil7451 nor disobedience6588 in my hand,3027 and I have not sinned2398 against you, though you hunt6658 for my life5315 to take3947 it. 12 May Yahweh3068 judge8199 between me and you, and may Yahweh3068 avenge5358 me of you; but my hand3027 shall not be on you. 13 As the proverb4912 of the ancients6931 says,559 ‘Out of the wicked7563 comes3318 forth wickedness;'7562 but my hand3027 shall not be on you. 14 Against310 whom has the king4428 of Israel3478 come out?3318 Whom310 do you pursue?7291 A310 dead4191 dog?3611 310 A259 flea?6550 15 May Yahweh3068 therefore be judge,1781 and give sentence8199 between me and you, and see,7200 and plead7378 my cause,7379 and deliver8199 me out of your hand."3027

1 Samuel 24:16 It came to pass, when David1732 had made an end3615 of speaking1696 these words1697 to Saul,7586 that Saul7586 said,559 "Is this your voice,6963 my son1121 David?"1732 Saul7586 lifted up5375 his voice,6963 and wept.1058 17 He said559 to David,1732 "You are more righteous6662 than I; for you have done1580 good2896 to me, whereas I have done1580 evil7451 to you. 18 You have declared5046 this day3117 how you have dealt6213 well2896 with me, because when Yahweh3068 had delivered5462 me up into your hand,3027 you didn't kill2026 me. 19 For if a man376 finds4672 his enemy,341 will he let him go7971 away1870 unharmed?2896 Therefore may Yahweh3068 reward7999 you good2896 for that which you have done6213 to me this day.3117 20 Now, behold, I know that3045 you shall surely4427 be king,4427 and that the kingdom4467 of Israel3478 shall be established6965 in your hand.3027 21 Swear7650 now therefore to me by Yahweh,3068 that you will not518 cut off3772 my seed2233 after310 me, and that you will not destroy8045 my name8034 out of my father's1 house."1004

1 Samuel 24:22 David1732 swore7650 to Saul.7586 Saul7586 went3212 home;1004 but David1732 and his men582 went up5927 to the stronghold.4686

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