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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
3 Verses Found

1 Samuel 12:1 Samuel8050 said559 to all Israel,3478 "Behold, I have listened8085 to your voice6963 in all that you said559 to me, and have made4427 a king4428 over you. 2 Now, behold, the king4428 walks1980 before6440 you; and I am old2204 and gray-headed;7867 and behold, my sons1121 are with you: and I have walked1980 before6440 you from my youth5271 to this day.3117 3 Here I am. Witness6030 against me before Yahweh,3068 and before his anointed.4899 Whose ox7794 have I taken?3947 Whose donkey2543 have I taken?3947 Whom have I defrauded?6231 Whom have I oppressed?7533 Of whose hand3027 have I taken a ransom3724 to blind5956 my eyes5869 therewith? I will restore7725 it to you."

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