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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
    1 Kings
29 Verses Found

1 Kings 21:1 It happened after310 these things,1697 that Naboth5022 the Jezreelite3158 had a vineyard,3754 which was in Jezreel,3157 hard by681 the palace1964 of Ahab256 king4428 of Samaria.8111 2 Ahab256 spoke1696 to Naboth,5022 saying,559 "Give5414 me your vineyard,3754 that I may have it for a garden1588 of herbs,3419 because it is near7138 to681 my house;1004 and I will give5414 you for it a better2896 vineyard3754 than it. Or, if it seems good2896 to you,5869 I will give5414 you its worth4242 in money."3701

1 Kings 21:3 Naboth5022 said559 to Ahab,256 "May Yahweh3068 forbid2486 me, that I should give5414 the inheritance5159 of my fathers1 to you!"

1 Kings 21:4 Ahab256 came935 into his house1004 sullen5620 and angry2198 because of the word1697 which Naboth5022 the Jezreelite3158 had spoken1696 to him; for he had said,559 "I will not give5414 you the inheritance5159 of my fathers."1 He laid himself down7901 on his bed,4296 and turned away5437 his face,6440 and would eat398 no bread.3899 5 But Jezebel348 his wife802 came935 to him, and said1696 to him, "Why is your spirit7307 so sad,5620 that you eat398 no bread?"3899

1 Kings 21:6 He said1696 to her, "Because I spoke1696 to Naboth5022 the Jezreelite,3158 and said1696 to him, ‘Give5414 me your vineyard3754 for money;3701 or else, if it pleases2655 you, I will give5414 you another vineyard3754 for it.' He answered,559 ‘I will not give5414 you my vineyard.'"3754

1 Kings 21:7 Jezebel348 his wife802 said559 to him, "Do you now govern6213 the kingdom4410 of Israel?3478 Arise,6965 and eat398 bread,3899 and let your heart3820 be merry.3190 I will give5414 you the vineyard3754 of Naboth5022 the Jezreelite."3158 8 So she wrote3789 letters5612 in Ahab's256 name,8034 and sealed2856 them with his seal,2368 and sent7971 the letters5612 to the elders2205 and to the nobles2715 who were in his city,5892 who lived3427 with Naboth.5022 9 She wrote3789 in the letters,5612 saying,559 "Proclaim7121 a fast,6685 and set3427 Naboth5022 on high7218 among the people.5971 10 Set3427 two8147 men,582 base1100 fellows,1121 before him, and let them testify5749 against him, saying,559 ‘You cursed1288 God430 and the king!'4428 Then carry him out,3318 and stone5619 him to death."4191

1 Kings 21:11 The men582 of his city,5892 even the elders2205 and the nobles2715 who lived3427 in his city,5892 did6213 as Jezebel348 had sent7971 to them, according as it was written3789 in the letters5612 which she had sent7971 to them. 12 They proclaimed7121 a fast,6685 and set3427 Naboth5022 on high7218 among the people.5971 13 The two8147 men,582 the base1100 fellows,1121 came935 in and sat3427 before him. The base1100 fellows582 testified5749 against him, even against Naboth,5022 in the presence of the people,5971 saying,559 "Naboth5022 cursed1288 God430 and the king!"4428 Then they carried3318 him out3318 of the city,5892 and stoned5619 him to death4191 with stones.68 14 Then they sent7971 to Jezebel,348 saying,559 "Naboth5022 has been stoned,5619 and is dead."4191

1 Kings 21:15 It happened, when Jezebel348 heard8085 that Naboth5022 was stoned,5619 and was dead,4191 that Jezebel348 said559 to Ahab,256 "Arise,6965 take possession3423 of the vineyard3754 of Naboth5022 the Jezreelite,3158 which he refused3985 to give5414 you for money;3701 for Naboth5022 is not alive,2416 but dead."4191

1 Kings 21:16 It happened, when Ahab256 heard8085 that Naboth5022 was dead,4191 that Ahab256 rose up6965 to go down3381 to the vineyard3754 of Naboth5022 the Jezreelite,3158 to take possession3423 of it. 17 The word1697 of Yahweh3068 came to Elijah452 the Tishbite,8664 saying,559 18 "Arise,6965 go down3381 to meet7125 Ahab256 king4428 of Israel,3478 who dwells in Samaria.8111 Behold, he is in the vineyard3754 of Naboth,5022 where he has gone down3381 to take possession3423 of it. 19 You shall speak1696 to him, saying,559 ‘Thus says559 Yahweh,3068 "Have you killed7523 and also taken possession?"'3423 You shall speak1696 to him, saying,559 ‘Thus says559 Yahweh,3068 "In the place4725 where dogs3611 licked3952 the blood1818 of Naboth,5022 dogs3611 will lick3952 your blood,1818 even yours."'"

1 Kings 21:20 Ahab256 said559 to Elijah,452 "Have you found4672 me, my enemy?"341 He answered,559 "I have found4672 you, because you have sold4376 yourself to do6213 that which is evil7451 in the sight5869 of Yahweh.3068 21 Behold, I will bring935 evil7451 on you, and will utterly310 sweep you away1197 and will cut off3772 from Ahab256 everyone who urinates8366 against a wall,7023{or, male} and him who is shut up6113 and him who is left5800 at large in Israel.3478 22 I will make5414 your house1004 like the house1004 of Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 and like the house1004 of Baasha1201 the son1121 of Ahijah281 for the provocation3708 with which you have provoked me to anger,3707 and have made Israel3478 to sin."2398 23 Yahweh3068 also spoke1696 of Jezebel,348 saying,559 "The dogs3611 shall eat398 Jezebel348 by the rampart2426 of Jezreel.3157 24 The dogs3611 will eat398 he who dies4191 of Ahab256 in the city;5892 and the birds5775 of the sky8064 will eat398 he who dies4191 in the field."7704

1 Kings 21:25 But there was none like Ahab,256 who sold4376 himself to do6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of Yahweh,3068 whom Jezebel348 his wife802 stirred up.5496 26 He did very3966 abominably8581 in following3212 idols,1544 according to all that the Amorites567 did,6213 whom Yahweh3068 cast out3423 before6440 the children1121 of Israel.3478 27 It happened, when Ahab256 heard8085 those words,1697 that he tore7167 his clothes,899 and put7760 sackcloth8242 on his flesh,1320 and fasted,6684 and lay7901 in sackcloth,8242 and went1980 softly.328

1 Kings 21:28 The word1697 of Yahweh3068 came to Elijah452 the Tishbite,8664 saying,559 29 "See7200 how Ahab256 humbles3665 himself before6440 me? Because3282 he humbles3665 himself before6440 me, I will not bring935 the evil7451 in his days;3117 but in his son's1121 days3117 will I bring935 the evil7451 on his house."1004

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