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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
4 Verses Found

Matthew 10:12 And1161 when ye come1525 into1519 an house,3614 salute782 it.846 13 And2532 if1437 3303 the house3614 be5600 worthy,514 let your5216 peace1515 come2064 upon1909 it:846 but1161 if3362 2794 it be5600 not3362 worthy,514 let your5216 peace1515 return1994 to4314 you.5209 14 And2532 whosoever3739 shall1209 2794 not3362 receive1209 you,5209 nor3366 hear191 your5216 words,3056 when ye depart out1831 of that1565 house3614 or2228 city,4172 shake off1621 the dust2868 of your5216 feet.4228 15 Verily281 I say3004 unto you,5213 It shall be2071 more tolerable414 for the land1093 of Sodom4670 and2532 Gomorrha1116 in1722 the day2250 of judgment,2920 than2228 for that1565 city.4172

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