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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
11 Verses Found

John 2:1 2532 The2250 third5154 day,2250 there was1096 a marriage1062 in1722 Cana2580 of Galilee.1056 2532 Jesus'2424 mother3384 was2258 there.1563 2 1161 Jesus2424 also2532 was invited,2564 with2532 his846 disciples,3101 to1519 the marriage.1062 3 When2532 the wine3631 ran out,5302 Jesus'2424 mother3384 said3004 to4314 him,846 "They have2192 no3756 wine."3631

John 2:4 Jesus2424 said3004 to her,846 "Woman,1135 what5101 does that have2532 to do with2532 you4671 and me?1698 My3450 hour5610 has2240 not yet3768 come."2240

John 2:5 His846 mother3384 said3004 to the servants,1249 "Whatever5100 302 he says3004 to you,5213 do4160 it." 6 Now1161 there were2258 six1803 water pots5201 of stone3035 set2749 there1563 after the Jews'2453 way of2596 purifying,2512 containing5562 two1417 or2228 three5140 metretes3355{2 to 3 metretes is about 20 to 30 U. S. Gallons, or 75 to 115 liters.} apiece.303 7 Jesus2424 said3004 to them,846 "Fill1072 the water pots5201 with water."5204 They2532 filled1072 them846 up to2193 the brim.507 8 He2532 said3004 to them,846 "Now3568 draw some out,501 and2532 take5342 it to the ruler of the feast."755 So2532 they took5342 it. 9 1161 When5613 the ruler of the feast755 tasted1089 the water5204 now become1096 wine,3631 and2532 didn't3756 know1492 where4159 it came from2076 (but1161 the servants1249 who had drawn501 the water5204 knew),1492 the ruler of the feast755 called5455 the bridegroom,3566 10 and2532 said3004 to him,846 3956 "Everyone444 serves5087 the good2570 wine3631 first,4412 and2532 when3752 the guests have drunk3184 freely, then5119 that which is worse.1640 You4771 have kept5083 the3631 good2570 wine3631 until2193 now!"737 11 This3778 beginning746 of his signs4592 Jesus2424 did4160 in1722 Cana2580 of Galilee,1056 and2532 revealed5319 his846 glory;1391 and2532 his846 disciples3101 believed4100 in1519 him.846

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