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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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John 14:16 And2532 I1473 will pray2065 the Father,3962 and2532 he shall give1325 you5213 another243 Comforter,3875 that2443 he may abide3306 with3326 you5216 for1519 ever;165 ... 26 But1161 the Comforter,3875 which is the Holy40 Ghost,4151 whom3739 the Father3962 will send3992 in1722 my3450 name,3686 he1565 shall teach1321 you5209 all things,3956 and2532 bring5279 2794 all things3956 to5279 2794 your5209 remembrance,5279 whatsoever3739 I have said2036 unto you.5213

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