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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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Deuteronomy 32:15 But Jeshurun3484 waxed fat,8080 and kicked:1163 thou art waxen fat,8080 thou art grown thick,5666 thou art covered3780 with fatness; then he forsook5203 God433 which made6213 him, and lightly esteemed5034 the Rock6697 of his salvation.3444 ... 17 They sacrificed2076 unto devils,7700 not to God;433{Or, which were not God} to gods430 whom they knew3045 not, to new2319 gods that came935 2794 newly7138 up,935 whom your fathers1 feared8175 not.

2 Chronicles 32:15 Now therefore let not3808 Hezekiah2396 deceive5377 you, nor persuade5496 you on this manner, neither yet believe539 him: for no god433 of any nation1471 or kingdom4467 was able3201 to deliver5337 his people5971 out of mine hand,3027 and out of the hand3027 of my fathers:1 how much less shall your God430 deliver5337 you out of mine hand?3027

Nehemiah 9:17 And refused3985 to obey,8085 neither were mindful2142 of thy wonders6381 that thou didst6213 among them; but hardened7185 their necks,6203 and in their rebellion4805 appointed5414 a captain7218 to return7725 to their bondage:5659 but thou art a God433 ready to pardon,5547{Heb. a god of pardons} gracious2587 and merciful,7349 slow750 to anger,639 and of great7227 kindness,2617 and forsookest5800 them not.

Job 3:4 Let that day3117 be darkness;2822 let not God433 regard1875 it from above,4605 neither let the light5105 shine3313 upon it. ... 23 Why is light given to a man1397 whose way1870 is hid,5641 and whom God433 hath hedged in?5526

Job 4:9 By the blast5397 of God433 they perish,6 and by the breath7307 of his nostrils639 are they consumed.3615 ... 17 Shall mortal man582 be more just6663 than God?433 shall a man1397 be more pure2891 than his maker?6213

Job 5:17 Behold, happy835 is the man582 whom God433 correcteth:3198 therefore despise3988 not thou the chastening4148 of the Almighty:7706

Job 6:4 For the arrows2671 of the Almighty7706 are within5978 me, the poison2534 whereof drinketh up8354 my spirit:7307 the terrors1161 of God433 do set themselves in array6186 against me. ...

Job 6:8 Oh that I might have935 my request;7596 and that God433 would grant5414 me the thing that I long for!8615{Heb. my expectation} 9 Even that it would please2974 God433 to destroy1792 me; that he would let loose5425 his hand,3027 and cut me off!1214

Job 9:13 If God433 will not withdraw7725 his anger,639 the proud7293 helpers5826{Heb. helpers of pride, or strength} do stoop7817 under him.

Job 10:2 I will say559 unto God,433 Do not condemn7561 me; shew3045 me wherefore thou contendest7378 with me.

Job 11:5 But199 oh that5414 God433 would speak,1696 and open6605 his lips8193 against thee; 6 And that he would shew5046 thee the secrets8587 of wisdom,2451 that they are double3718 to that which is!8454 Know3045 therefore that God433 exacteth5382 of thee less than thine iniquity5771 deserveth. 7 Canst thou by searching2714 find out4672 God?433 canst thou find4672 out the Almighty7706 unto perfection?8503

Job 12:4 I am as one mocked7814 of his neighbour,7453 who calleth7121 upon God,433 and he answereth6030 him: the just6662 upright8549 man is laughed to scorn.7814 ... 6 The tabernacles168 of robbers7703 prosper,7951 and they that provoke7264 God410 are secure;987 into whose hand3027 God433 bringeth935 abundantly.

Job 15:8 Hast thou heard8085 the secret5475 of God?433 and dost thou restrain1639 wisdom2451 to thyself?

Job 16:20 My friends7453 scorn3887 me:{Heb. are my scorners} but mine eye5869 poureth out1811 tears unto God.433 21 O that one might plead3198 for a man1397 with God,433 as a man120 pleadeth for his neighbour!1121 7453{Or, friend}

Job 19:6 Know3045 now645 that God433 hath overthrown5791 me, and hath compassed5362 me with his net.4686 ... 21 Have pity2603 upon me, have pity2603 upon me, O ye my friends;7453 for the hand3027 of God433 hath touched5060 me. ... 26 And though after310 my skin5785 worms destroy5362 this body, yet in my flesh1320 shall I see2372 God:433{Or, After I shall awake though this body be destroyed, yet out of my flesh shall I see God}

Job 21:9 Their houses1004 are safe7965 from fear,6343{Heb. are peace from fear} neither is the rod7626 of God433 upon them. ... 19 God433 layeth up6845 his iniquity205{That is, the punishment of his iniquity} for his children:1121 he rewardeth7999 him, and he shall know3045 it.

Job 22:12 Is not God433 in the height1363 of heaven?8064 and behold7200 the height7218 of the stars,3556{Heb. the head of the stars} how high7311 they are! ... 26 For then shalt thou have thy delight6026 in the Almighty,7706 and shalt lift up5375 thy face6440 unto God.433

Job 24:12 Men4962 groan5008 from out of the city,5892 and the soul5315 of the wounded2491 crieth out:7768 yet God433 layeth7760 not folly8604 to them.

Job 27:3 All the while5750 my breath5397 is in me, and the spirit7307 of God433{That is, the breath which God gave him} is in my nostrils;639 ...

Job 27:8 For what is the hope8615 of the hypocrite,2611 though he hath gained,1214 when God433 taketh away7953 his soul?5315 ... 10 Will he delight6026 himself in the Almighty?7706 will he always6256 call7121 upon God?433

Job 29:2 Oh that5414 I were as in months3391 past,6924 as in the days3117 when God433 preserved8104 me; ... 4 As I was in the days3117 of my youth,2779 when the secret5475 of God433 was upon my tabernacle;168

Job 31:2 For what portion2506 of God433 is there from above?4605 and what inheritance5159 of the Almighty7706 from on high?4791 ... 6 Let me be weighed8254 in an even6664 balance,3976{Heb. let him weigh me in balances of Justice} that God433 may know3045 mine integrity.8538

Job 33:12 Behold, in this thou art not just:6663 I will answer6030 thee, that God433 is greater7235 than man.582 ... 26 He shall pray6279 unto God,433 and he will be favourable7521 unto him: and he shall see7200 his face6440 with joy:8643 for he will render7725 unto man582 his righteousness.6666

Job 35:10 But none saith,559 Where is God433 my maker,6213 who giveth5414 songs2158 in the night;3915

Job 36:2 Suffer3803 me a little,2191 and I will shew2331 thee that I have yet to speak4405 on God's433 behalf.{Heb. that there are yet words for God}

Job 37:15 Dost thou know3045 when God433 disposed7760 them, and caused the light216 of his cloud6051 to shine?3313 ... 22 Fair{Heb. gold} weather2091 cometh857 out of the north:6828 with God433 is terrible3372 majesty.1935

Job 39:17 Because God433 hath deprived5382 her of wisdom,2451 neither hath he imparted2505 to her understanding.998

Job 40:2 Shall he that contendeth7378 with the Almighty7706 instruct3250 him? he that reproveth3198 God,433 let him answer6030 it.

Psalm 18:31 For who is God433 save1107 the LORD?3068 or who is a rock6697 save2108 our God?430

Psalm 50:22 Now consider995 this, ye that forget7911 God,433 lest I tear you in pieces,2963 and there be none to deliver.5337

Psalm 114:7 Tremble,2342 thou earth,776 at the presence6440 of the Lord,113 at the presence6440 of the God433 of Jacob;3290

Psalm 139:19 Surely thou wilt slay6991 the wicked,7563 O God:433 depart5493 from me therefore, ye bloody1818 men.582

Proverbs 30:5 Every word565 of God433 is pure:6884{Heb. purified} he is a shield4043 unto them that put their trust2620 in him.

Isaiah 44:8 Fear6342 ye not, neither be afraid:7297 7297 have not I told8085 thee from that time,227 and have declared5046 it? ye are even my witnesses.5707 Is there3426 a God433{Heb. rock} beside1107 me? yea, there is no God;6697 I know3045 not any.

Daniel 11:37 Neither shall he regard995 the God430 of his fathers,1 nor the desire2532 of women,802 nor regard995 any god:433 for he shall magnify1431 himself above all. 38 But in his estate3653 shall he honour3513 the God433 of forces:4581{Or, munitions. Heb. Mauzzin, or, as for the almighty God in his seat he shall honor, yea he shall honor a God, etc.} and a god433 whom his fathers1 knew3045 not shall he honour3513 with gold,2091 and silver,3701 and with precious3368 stones,68 and pleasant things.2532{Heb. things desired} 39 Thus shall he do6213 in the most strong4581 holds4013{Heb. fortresses of munitions} with a strange5236 god,433 whom he shall acknowledge5234 5234 and increase7235 with glory:3519 and he shall cause them to rule4910 over many,7227 and shall divide2505 the land127 for gain.4242{Heb. a price}

Habakkuk 1:11 Then shall his mind7307 change,2498 and he shall pass over,5674 and offend,816 imputing this2098 his power3581 unto his god.433

Habakkuk 3:3 God433 came935 from Teman,8487{Or, the South} and the Holy One6918 from mount2022 Paran.6290 Selah.5542 His glory1935 covered3680 the heavens,8064 and the earth776 was full4390 of his praise.8416

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